Postdoc Profile

Ann Boija is a senior researcher in Whitehead Institute Member Richard (Rick) Young’s lab studying the role of cellular structures called condensates in gene regulation. We sat down with Boija to learn more about her and her experiences in and out of the lab.

Adrianna San Roman is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Director and Member David Page’s lab investigating sex differences in human health. San Roman’s work is supported by the Arthur W. Brill and Carol Tobin Brill Postdoctoral Fellowship and an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship. We sat down with San Roman to learn more about her and her experiences in and out of the lab.

Kutay Deniz Atabay is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member Peter Reddien’s lab investigating regeneration, including how neuronal circuits regenerate in various organisms including planarians, a type of flatworm. We sat down with Atabay to learn more about him and his experiences in and out of the lab.

Xin Tang is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member Rudolf Jaenisch’s lab investigating brain disease and developing approaches to discover new therapies. We sat down with Tang to learn more about him and his experiences in and out of the lab.