Development and regeneration

Whitehead Institute Member Siniša Hrvatin and colleagues  show that inducing a prolonged state of dormancy in mice slows down progressive molecular changes associated with aging. The work also identifies decreased body temperature as a central regulator of this anti-aging effect.

The lab of Whitehead Institute Member Peter Reddien describes how planarians use the Delta-Notch signaling pathway to adjust the spatial pattern and relative numbers of neurons and glia at a given location. This allows the organisms to restore large portions of their nervous system following injury.

In order for researchers to understand the biology of living organisms, they must consider what is happening across the size scale. Interactions between molecules drive interactions between cells that affect traits and behaviors. Experiences and decisions made by the organism can lead to changes at the cellular and molecular level. In order to understand the full picture, Whitehead Institute researchers study everything from molecules to cells to whole organisms.

Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) are a critically endangered species of salamander. They are also highly regenerative. Read the latest story in our Unusual Labmates series to learn more about these fascinating creatures, what Whitehead Institute researchers are hoping to discover by studying them, and why they are worth preserving in the wild.