Our latest Research Highlights video features three exciting new findings from Whitehead Institute: New work from the Jaenisch lab helps explain bats' impressive resistance to viruses; researchers in the Young lab identify a common denominator underlying chronic disease states; and researchers in the Cheeseman lab identify precise regulatory mechanisms controlling the production of protein variants during mitosis.
Stay up-to-date with recent research from Whitehead Institute, a world-renowned, non-profit scientific institution dedicated to improving human health through basic biomedical research. Learn how competition between mother and father plants can influence gene expression; how a newly-identified gene facilitates regeneration in planarians; and more.
Learn about a molecule that can take the place of oxygen in the electron transport chain; a key protein that helps sea star embryos establish polarity early in development; and a new approach to cataloguing cells' many DNA repair mechanisms. Our latest research highlights video features work from the labs of Iain Cheeseman and Jonathan Weissman.
Learn about the role of swarm cells in ovarian development; the single-step fate model in planarian neoblasts; and a new gene-editing technique, CRISPRoff. Our latest research highlights video features work from the labs of Ruth Lehmann, Peter Reddien and Jonathan Weissman.
In this video, learn about new findings from Whitehead Institute researchers including a potential way to make cancer drugs more effective, how malaria-causing parasites could become less susceptible to an essential drug, and how regenerating flatworms rewire their eyes to their brains.
How viral RNA flexes to express different genes, a new model for studying human cancers in mice, and more: learn about the latest findings from Whitehead Institute researchers in this Research Highlights video.
A medley of Whitehead Institute scientists' research updates from Winter 2019. In this video, catch up on discoveries by the labs of Institute Members Jing-Ke Weng, Richard Young, and David Sabatini.
Research Highlights is a medley of research updates from Whitehead Institute scientists. In this video, catch up on discoveries by the labs of Institute Members Rudolf Jaenisch, David Page, Jing-Ke Weng, Richard Young, and Iain Cheeseman, as well as a study led by former Lindquist lab postdoc Peter Tsvetkov, now a postdoctoral fellow at the Broad Institute. Learn more.
Catch up on the latest discoveries by Whitehead Institute scientists including David Bartel, Sebastian Lourido, Harvey Lodish, Jing-Ke Weng, Peter Reddien, and David Page.