High school teacher’s program

Integral to the success of the program is the teacher

Date & time

WhiteHead Institute
44 Spring street Watertown,
02472 MA

Rebecca Shansky, Associate Professor of Psychology, Northeastern University

See Pdf presentation

Whitehead Institute’s Seminar Series for High School Teachers offers educators the opportunity to explore topics at the forefront of biomedical research and incorporate new ideas into their classrooms.

The series, which attracts 60-80 high school teachers each year, begins in October of each academic year. Seminars are conducted on the first Monday of each month through June. Sessions begin with a scientific lecture and conclude with a working dinner, allowing participants and Whitehead scientists to share ideas and discuss a range of issues affecting science education.

Integral to the success of the program is the teacher-scientist partnership in which interested teachers are paired with Whitehead partners—young scientists who attend each session and serve as a resource for the teacher throughout the academic year. Partners answer questions, share their expertise, and even visit schools to meet with students. Over the years, participating teachers have found these partnerships to be invaluable relationships.

For more information contact Amy Tremblay.

Image adapted from Paul Gardner and Dodd, Mead, & Company

Image adapted from Paul Gardner and Dodd, Mead, & Company


Paul Gardner and Dodd, Mead, & Company

The series, which attracts 60-80 high school teachers each year, begins in October of each academic year. Seminars are conducted on the first Monday of each month through June. Sessions begin with a scientific lecture and conclude with a working dinner, allowing participants and Whitehead scientists to share ideas and discuss a range of issues affecting science education.

Purus sed et quam id sed.

Purus sed et quam id sed.


Gretchen Ertl/Whitehead Institute

Whitehead Institute Member Ankur Jain.

Whitehead Institute Member Ankur Jain.


Gretchen Ertl/Whitehead Institute

The series, which attracts 60-80 high school teachers each year.

The series, which attracts 60-80 high school teachers each year, begins in October of each academic year. Seminars are conducted on the first Monday of each month through June. Sessions begin with a scientific lecture and conclude with a working dinner, allowing participants and Whitehead scientists to share ideas and discuss a range of issues affecting science education.
